Kiara Harris Radio Interview
Greetings SAGE Sistahs! Today, I am posting a 2016 radio interview conducted by Eddrick with Viewpoint Radio! The radio interview is with me, Kiara Harris, co-founder of Sistahs Aging with Grace & Elegance (SAGE). We discussed plans for the March 5, 2016 event in Oakland, California. The radio interview includes our discussion of SAGE as a community conversation and personal assessment for Black women 40 years and older. All SAGE events focus on developing strategies for living the most healthy, satisfying, financially secure and active life possible throughout the aging journey. The radio interview with Viewpoint Radio! is 12 minutes long. Enjoy!
More About SAGE
SAGE is focused on African-American women as they transition into the “golden years”, addressing the unique experiences of moderate-to-middle income women who may not have access to traditional safety nets and affordable systems of care.
We address the specific risk factors faced by African American women and provide culturally relevant services that educate our decisions and enhance our quality of life as we age from fabulous to simply elegant.
Therefore, whether you’re a retiree on the go (or looking forward to that day), a current or future caretaker for an adult parent or relative, a member of the sandwich generation, or thinking about your longer-term life planning, SAGE provides tools and resources that empower you to make choices and decisions in middle-age that will improve your quality of life allowing you to age with grace and elegance.
Register for Our Next Event
This year, Celebrating The Aging Journey is graciously co-hosted by Merritt College under the leadership of Interim President Dr. Marie-Elaine Burns with Sistahs Aging With Grace & Elegance and the California Black Women’s Health Project. Breakfast and lunch will be provided and there is ample FREE parking on campus. Register Today! Early Bird Registration Ends on April 7, 2017!!!!!!
Sound Cloud Radio Interview
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