Celebrating the Aging Journey: Affirming the Beauty & Wisdom of Our Years

On February 24, 2018

Sacramento Sage Sistahs spent the day affirming the beauty, wisdom, and experience we’ve gained through our aging journey. Old connections were renewed, new friends were made and shared experiences assured us; we are not alone. We gained new tools in financial and estate planning and how to keep our brains and body healthy. We are committed to living a fulfilling, active, healthy and financially secure life at every age.

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About Kiara Harris

Kiara Harris is a social entrepreneur and consultant on issues she is passionate about. She is Co-Founder of Sistahs Aging with Grace & Elegance (SAGE) and has 30 years of experience in public agency communication including cause marketing, media relations, community outreach and engagement. She is a fiction writer and completed her first novel, Room For Rent, in 2016.

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