Black Women: Still on the Aging Journey Together
We extend our heartfelt thanks and deep gratitude to all our Presenters, Performers, SageSistahs, Volunteers and to our strategic partner, the California Black Women’s Health Project. Each of you brought your whole hearts, warm smiles, and positive energy on June 11 for Sistahs Aging with Grace & Elegance’s first virtual convening.
With COVID-19 as the backdrop to our lives, we all had to pivot and adapt to virtual technology. Our Sistahood is even more important because we are staying home more, uncertain what is next, and being especially careful about staying healthy and safe for ourselves and for our loved ones. As Older Black women, we are at a higher risk for this virus.
Starting our program with music helped us set the mood for strength and to sooth our souls. We hope you felt connected to the drum and to our ancestors during libation. It’s an honor to call on the wisdom of those who came before us. We are living in turbulent times and it is common to have mixed emotions. Sometimes we can feel like thunderstorms or being blown by the wind. Anger and even rage is to be expected during these times of police violence and injustice. Black communities are experiencing a double pandemic but racism was here much longer than COVID-19. It is important for us to acknowledge and express the full range of our emotions.
With so much going on, we still need to nourish our sensual selves with soft fabrics on our skin, luscious aroma to escape into, and soothing music to sway our hips.
We intentionally wanted to create a space of caring and connecting. And, it is always our goal to share information and resources. We want you to remember these four important documents: Power of Attorney, Health Care Power of Attorney, Advanced Health Care Directive and HIPPA waiver of authorization. An estate attorney can help you protect your legacies.
We are in new territory with COVID-19, combined with social unrest, and many of us are feeling anxious, lethargic and dealing with loss and grief. We are resilient people and we will gradually move through stages of survival, acceptance and growth. We will move forward by helping others, feeling joy, and hope for the future. We each have our own rhythm.
Remember to breathe.
Thank you for joining us. It was wonderful to meet so many new SageSistahs and to reunite with our faithful friends for this evening of support and respite. Please Like us on Facebook. You can watch part of the event on our Facebook page @SageSistahs.
Watch some of our event here: